Al-Amal Reference Laboratory provides 24-hour high-quality services under the supervision of a team of consultants and specialists. It includes a distinguished medical and technical staff in terms of experience, certificates and work. The equipment of the department is kept updated with the latest technologies and constantly renewed. It includes the latest equipment and analytical systems in the world.

The department consists of the following specialized units:

  • Unit for diagnosis of bacterial infectious diseases
  • A unique unit for diagnosis of fungal and parasitic diseases
  • A unit for the diagnosis and treatment of blood diseases, anemia and blood cancers, as well as a special unit for the measurement of blood coagulation factors
  • Unit for the diagnosis of viral diseases and AIDS and diseases of viral liver and sexual diseases
  • Diagnostic unit for various immunological diseases and the measurement of inherited and acquired immunity
  • Department of special chemistry and hormones and the signs of cancer tumors
  • Department of Histopathology and Cellular Diagnosis of surgical specimens and biopsies
  • Allergy diagnosis unit (allergic to skin, asthma and nasal allergies)
  • Department of Clinical Chemistry, Routine Diagnosis and Comprehensive Examination
  • Blood bank unit for the treatment of blood and blood products and blood groups, blood and antibody compatibility