Pharmacy is the safety valve and the last stop in the series of steps to access the drug safely to the patient and because of the importance of medicine and the inability of people to dispense and to provide the best pharmaceutical care for patients, the hospital appointed an integrated team of pharmacists and pharmacy technician with long experience in this area. It implements the latest standards to provide safe and efficient care, achieving the desired results from the system of health care and on equal footing with the patients to meet their needs.


The pharmacy has the following functions:

  • Providing outpatient services, providing everything that makes it easier for them to receive medication in a precise manner, and providing all required information in writing in accordance with professional principles.
  • To serve the patients and to meet all the needs determined by the medical  phenomena, and to provide everything possible to make the process of disbursement of the medicine very precise and practical.
  • Providing medical and pharmacological information to medical and other hospital staff.
  • Control the disbursement of restricted and controlled drugs.
  • Monitoring the insurance, disbursement, distribution and consumption of the drug.
  • Follow-up procedures for dealing with drugs whose date of validity near to expire
  • Contribute to ensuring the safety of patients with the application of international standards.